We offers a wide range of platform options to choose from when designing your website. We specialise in popular Open Source platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, Magento and have designed thousands of websites and applications over the years.
In addition, we have our own proprietary platforms WebConsole and WebCommander which combine our decade long experience and proven track record with thousands of successful websites and streamlined content management systems.
This means that We can make recommendation of a platform based on your technical competency, content type and content management preferences. A website that is built on lasting, flexible technology is a huge advantage for a business.we believe that a website is an incredible asset for any business but managing the website should not become a liability.
Responsive Web Experience:
Today we view sites on a huge variety of screen sizes across desktops, televisions, mobiles, tablets and wearables, because of this it can be a challenge to make your website respond dynamically all the options.
As we see the varieties of device sizes making the concept of uniformity obsolete, our website designers use the best of breed frameworks to prototype and develop techniques so that your content and navigation are user-friendly across all these devices.
Wether you require a single-backend responsive web design website that adapts your content across multitude of devices and sizes, or you require separate mobile specific site to deliver targeted content and functionality, or a mobile first design, Our responsive web design team will offer you options that will stand the test of time. We ensure that you have the best long-term return of your investment even when the technology is evolving at an unprecedented speed.
Website Design for The Modern Age
Back in the day, just having a website was good enough. Today almost every sector is saturated with competition so the stakes have been raised. Website design isn’t simply about putting up a page with some nice graphics and hoping for the best. While this is actually how most companies do it, the successful website out there all follow a secret recipe. Actually not that secret, it’s very obvious but largely ignored.
So what is the website design secret of the big players?
Their websites are planned properly, designed and built meticulously and filled with appropriate and professionally created content. After that, they are maintained continuously. What’s more, all of that done by a massive team of people. Not that you need an F1 team to build a small website, but getting professionals involved in areas which aren’t your strong point just make sense.
A great website design is not a set & forget affair as most people would have you believe. If you are committed to have a thriving website it really is an ongoing commitment. A commitment to publish enough relevant and interesting content, a commitment to market the website outside of your pages and a commitment to participate in Social media which now weighs heavily on the the all powerful google search results.
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