There’s always confusion while choosing a platform to develop your eCommerce website. With the developer’s world buzzing with various famous online platforms, it is becoming difficult to choose the right platform to gauge your business online. While most of these platforms provide benefits that would help you grow online, there are limitations with each of these budding platforms.
Both WordPress and Magento are equally good and, both of them are being highly praised by their owners. Both these platforms are advantageous in their own ways and, they are platforms targeted towards a particular kind of website. Let’s understand how each one works and, what are the similarities and dissimilarities to get an idea which one is better for what kind of business.
Magento vs. WordPress: The Similarities
Whichever platform you choose out of WordPress and Magento, you are sure to get the benefits of open source platform that is available for free. Both these platforms allow their users to integrate blogging as part of their functionality thus allowing you to generate information and content related to your business. You can add products without any hassle using both these platforms. Interesting themes and, absolutely brilliant customization is allowed for your website on both these platforms.
So, if you are building a real simple and classy website where you don’t need to use major features, you can build it on WordPress easily. It’s a developer’s Gold mine that he can dig and create interesting applications online.
Magento vs. WordPress: The Dissimilarities
You need professional developers to develop your site using Magento. This is not the case with WordPress. It is pretty easy to develop an entire website on WordPress by the user. Hosting a site on WordPress is less expensive as compared to hosting a site made on Magento. Installing sites using WordPress is less cumbersome when compared with installing a site using Magento. Magento is pretty complex for any normal user. Customizing a site developed on Magento is difficult while customizations are pretty easy when the site is developed on a WordPress platform. A site built on WordPress does not crave for maintenance while a site constructed using Magento needs constant attention and maintenance.
The striking dissimilarity between both these platforms is that Magento is an e-commerce platform while WordPress is a content management platform. Both these platforms serve different purposes. WordPress comes with a large number of 3rd party integration plug-ins thus allowing you to integrate with numerous other platforms easily. You don’t need to create a separate e-commerce website. You can always integrate your existing theme into your e-commerce website using WordPress. Developing a new site is the base of working on Magento.
All said and, done both these platforms serve unique purposes. You cannot really create a heavy e-commerce website loaded with products using WordPress platform. This platform is best if you wish to blog about your products and, host as few products as possible. Also, WordPress does not allow you to load variety of images of a single product easily. You need to manually enter all the images.
Magento is an out and out E-commerce platform. If you are planning to develop an e-commerce website that is loaded with products and, their varieties, you should ideally choose Magento. It is loaded with features and, plug-ins that are necessary for an e-commerce website. Also, Magento is more secure as compared to WordPress. When launching your final e-commerce website, chances of it being hacked is higher in WordPress. Coupon codes, discount vouchers etc. that are basic to any e-commerce website gets generated better when working with Magento.
While WordPress is created from posts and pages, Magento larges comprises of CMS pages. Loop and function calls are used to call a page/post in WordPress while in Magento programming the whole website to perform the same function using a few clicks is the way to call a page or post. To create a new CMS template page , you just need to create a new template file in WordPress while in Magento you need to create a whole new module and content that will call the module using PHP. But, this is how a reliable and responsive e-commerce website should have.
Magento vs. WordPress: The Outcome
This is a not a simple story of which platform is better. While both have their black, white and grey sides, there simply cannot be a single winner among them. WordPress is highly recommended for website development that are content based and, requires lesser products to be released online. Like a business website that occasionally runs sales can be developed using WordPress. But, for an e-commerce website, it is highly recommended that you use Magento. Though complex, Magento allows your e-commerce website to be fast, responsive and, efficient.
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