In the developing on the web commercial center, online entrepreneurs are being confronted with a twofold edged sword. On one hand, they can achieve an ever increasing number of clients every single day. As an ever increasing number of individuals go on the web, there is a bigger and bigger pool of potential customers that will be keen on their business. Then again, as an ever increasing number of individuals go on the web, there are an ever increasing number of online organizations opening trying to contend.
On the off chance that you are running, or considering beginning an online store, one of your top needs ought to be to ensure that the developing pool of clients discovers you. Site improvement is, as I would like to think, the primary thing any website admin ought to investigate while making a site. I won't really expound about what SEO is, as there is a great deal of data effectively accessible on the web, and I prescribe additionally perusing on the off chance that you are new to it. When working with a Magento webpage, there are various things that you can do to help your site emerge from the group. Underneath I have recorded the best 9 Magento SEO tips that I've found throughout the years. I've broken them into two gatherings: Admin Configuration and Theme Changes.
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1. Web Configuration:
The first place to start optimizing a Magento site is within the SEO Options in the website configuration. Go to System->Configuration->Web on the admin panel of the website. Under URL Options, you can change the setting “Add Store Code to URLs” to “no”. This will help to keep unnecessary keywords out of the URL. In the same section, under Search Engine Optimization, set “Server URL Rewrite” to “yes”. This will remove “index.php” from all URLs for the same reason.
2. Metadata:
In the metadata of your CMS pages, ensure that you have filled out the keywords and description for the page. Be sure to include at least 5 keywords that are relevant to both the page and your business and a detailed description about the page and your business. Search engines will use this data, in part, to determine how relevant a users search term is to your page and website. For the page content, remember my first rule of SEO: Content is King. I generally tell people to think of it this way. Your website is an employee who works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and never takes vacations. Tell this employee as much as you can about your company.
3. Robot.txt:
This might sound obvious, but these are sometimes the easiest ones to miss. Ensure that the robots.txt file allows robots to crawl the site. After all, if search engines cannot crawl your site, then all the work in the world is not going to make a difference.
4. Product Pages:
The core of any online store is the products. There are a number of places that you can give your website a leg up on product pages. Remembering, my first rule, keep your content detailed, but don’t let it drag out. Make sure that you fill in the meta data section with detailed information about the product. This will be how many people find your store. Also update the URL Key. This will create a more search engine friendly URL for your products.
5. Images:
Images are often an over looked element in SEO. An online store will often have many product images so this is a section that will have more effect on a store than on other kinds of websites. Always try to use meaningful files names for your images. Something that describes what the image is. Also remember to use title and alt tags on your images wherever possible. This will help give spiders information about the page that they would not otherwise be able to get.
6. No Duplicates:
Go over your website a few times. Make sure that you do not have any duplicate content. This includes all CMS pages AND product pages. Resist the temptation to use the same content for different products. This will have the added benefit of giving your customers an individualized description of the products.
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