Are you looking to start your own Consultancy or Recruitment firm than you need a job portal through which you can have lots of Features to run your business smoothly without having manual work. Job Portals provide a platform for the employers to meet the prospective employees and provide jobs as per qualifications and experience. GET FREE QUOTE
Checking the reputation of the job portal development company is a good place to start from. There will be many affordable website designers who will claim to have made websites for many leading companies but don’t believe them straight away. However, it is a viable decision to check out the websites they made in their previous projects. Also one should try to know if the developer had created any websites for the same sector. See what additional benefits you might be gaining or losing by selecting one job portal website development company over the others. Zinavo rises to fame as a trusted job portal design company in India by offering flexible and transparent pricing and integrated solutions. CONTACT US
Our Solutions in Job Portal Development:
- Job Portal Design Development
- Recruitment Portal Development
- Custom Job Portal Development
- Job Website Development
- Job Web Application Development
- Maintenance of Job Portal Solution
We provide latest facilities that will enable you to process payments directly through the most famous PayPal payment mode. With this portal you can easily edit Payment options, as well as all distinct elements of the website such as the layout, emails, and registration options. We are a Job Portal Development India Company with an exceptional track record of delivering 3000+ websites successfully.
We have expertise in different kind of Job portal solutions for recruitment agencies, we have best solution for this industries and provide fully made custom solution.
JOB SEEKER REGISTRATION This section provides the opportunity for a job seeker to get himself registered in this portal. It is after the registration process that he receives his username, password and other login information and also becomes entitled to receive all the other registered member benefits.
RESUME BUILDER This section provides an easy way to create a professional resume with a few mouse clicks. A standard resume template will be provided which the member to build his resume can customize. Once built, this resume can be edited from time to time and will be automatically sent as an attachment to the respective consultancy along with the job application request, each time the member applies for a job posted by the site admin.
JOB SEARCH ENGINE This utility is to help all job seekers to search for job opportunities. Search options will include job category, location, experience level, expected salary etc along with the facilities for a keyword search. All matching search results will be listed, but only registered members will have the opportunity to view job details and apply for the job online.
MEMBER ACCOUNT All registered members can login to their accounts to view the history of the jobs they have applied for, view and edit their profiles and resume, our experience in job portal website design helps you in effortlessly managing a recruitment service.
ONLINE JOB APPLICATION All registered members can apply online for a selected job. Every such application submission will attach a copy of their resume with the application and will be sent to the respective employer offering the job.
ONLINE INTERVIEW All job seekers while applying for a job with interview attached to it will need to appear for the interview online and only if his interview score is higher than the qualification marks, his application will be considered valid.
EMPLOYER NOTE If an employer has seen the seekers profile and has expressed interest in him as a candidate for a particular job, the seeker can view these interests in the Employer Notes section and can either accept or reject the interest. If the interest is accepted the system will make an auto-application submission for the job he has accepted the interest.
If any employer has short listed the seeker for a job and send him an interview call, he will be able to see it from this viewer section. Our easy accessible job portal website design is deemed to facilitate the entire process of online job application.
EMPLOYER REGISTRATION This section provides the opportunity for a employers to get himself registered in this portal. It is after the registration process where he selects a membership package and pays online for it, that he receives his username, password and other login information and also becomes entitled to receive all the other registered member benefits.
SEARCH RESUME In this system employer can search the resume using different search criteria but without any contact information. Our job portal website development service is dedicated in helping recruiters to match with desired talents.
MEMBER ACCOUNT All registered employer can login to their accounts to view the history of the resume they have saved for, view and edit their profiles. We expertise in interactive job portal website design based on most advanced technologies that will be easy and pleasurable to use for both recruiters and applicants.
ONLINE JOB POSTING All registered employers can post job openings online. Every such post will need them to specify the category, required skills, location, salary, educational qualifications and experience level of the desired candidate.
RESUME MATCHER All employers can use this utility to search for resumes of the desired candidates for a particular job they posted. The system will auto-search resumes based on the desired candidate specifications set for the particular job.
RESUME COMPARER This utility will allow the employer to compare resumes of selected candidates by ranking them on given criterions using the weighted-average algorithm.
ONLINE INTERVIEW Employers can set up online interviews with a minimum qualification marks and attach it with a job. All job seekers applying for the job will need to appear for the interview online and only if his interview score is higher than the qualification marks, his application will be considered valid.
SEEKER NOTE If an employer finds a candidate who fulfills his requirement but yet hasn’t applied for the job he can send him a Seeker Note informing him that his CV matches the desired candidate profile for the job. If the seeker in turn accepts the note, his application is auto-submitted by the system for the job.
Employers can view seeker applications against the posted jobs. This viewer with the Resume Comparer will help him to shortlist the desired applicant(s) and send them an interview call.
JOB SEEKER MANAGEMENT The administration can view, edit, deactivate and delete any job seekers information, the features of our job portal website design are proven to be accommodating in establishing a successful online job board service.
EMPLOYER MANAGEMENT The administration can view, edit, deactivate and delete any employer information
EMPLOYER PACKAGE MANAGEMENT Admin can setup employer membership packages by setting up the package cost, duration and features
JOB CATEGORY MANAGEMENT Admin can setup job categories and subcategories for employers and seekers to choose from, we work with the motto of offering user friendly job portal website design.
SKILLS MANAGEMENT Admin can setup exhaustive set of job skills for employers and seekers to choose from; being an experienced job portal website development company we have the right team to address your needs.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION MANAGEMENT Admin can setup educational qualifications for employers and seekers to choose from
LOCATION MANAGEMENT Admin can setup geo-locations for employers and seekers to choose from
Being an experienced job portal development company of India, we earn the right expertise to create easily accessible backend system. Thus, admin can easily view the portal performance in terms of no. of employers, seekers, jobs posted, jobs fulfilled etc. for a particular span of time.
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