Published on 03/19/2021 8:55 pm
How To Integrate Google Analytics ?

What is Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is an online platform that provides website owners to track and analyze their marketing and SEO efforts all in one position. It’s possible for anyone with a Google account, and there are both paid and free versions of the software. Google Analytics is provided for small and medium-sized local websites. The service has limitations that make it less adapted to more system websites and larger businesses.

Create a Google Account or Use an Existing One:

If you have an existing Gmail account already established, you do not need to create a new account and you can skip to the next step. If you do not have a  Gmail account, follow the instructions below.

  • create your google account
  • fill out the information and click "next"
  • Then Google will question you if you would like to create a public Google+ profile. Click “Create your profile” if you would like to have public Google+ or click “No thanks” to skip it.

Using your Google Account to Setup Google Analytics:

The images given below shows you how to create google analytics:

Click the start measuring button on the google analytics page...

Step:1 Account setup page: 

Give an account name and click the ok button

Step:2 property setup:

On this page give a property name, reporting time zone, and currency type, and then click the ok button.

Step:3 Business information:

On this page select the business category and business size.

Step:4 Analytics service agreement:

Read the google analytics terms of service and click the accept button...

Step:5 Set up data stream to start collecting data:

On this page choose your platform IOS app or Android app or Web...

Step:6 Set up data stream:

On this page give your website URL and stream name and then click the "create stream" button...

Step:6 web stream details page:

On this page, your website details will appear...

Final page:

This page is the final page of google analytics.

  •  On this page, a unique tracking code will be generated. To get this code go to admin->tracing info->   tracking code.
  •  click the tracking code the unique code will appear, you should apply that code on your website.

Installing the Tracking Code:

  • Google Analytics to be able to report back on a variation of website metrics, you want to install the tracking code on every page of your website. 
  • If you do not have knowledge of adding code to your website, you should contact the web design company that will manage your website.
  • The tracking code can paste into your website header file or footer file.
  • If you are adding the tracking code to the header file, make sure the code is contained before the closing tag.
  • If you are adding the tracking code to the footer file, make sure the code is contained before the closing tag.
After installing the unique code, you can able to track your website traffic...

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