Published on 03/10/2017 12:24 pm

Google Fred Algorithm Update

As you know, yesterday I posted about the big Google algorithm ranking update and it seems to be getting a lot more attention this morning as SEOs and webmasters dig into their rankings and traffic this morning.

First, this update does seem to be to be link quality related and not content quality related - but it is still very early to make such a judgement call. Second, Google has still not confirmed or denied the update. But Gary Illyes from Google did say they are constantly updating and I asked him to name the update and he said he will name all ongoing updates as Fred unless stated otherwise.

John Mueller and Gary Illyes from Google would not yet officially confirm this update out of the typical Google speak:


So we will go with Fred and name it based on Gary's request -- the Fred update. I even used his own photo of Fred, the fish for this story. So Gary gets credit for the name and the photo here, although since he was on vacation for the past few weeks, I don't think we can blame

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Published on 03/09/2017 7:35 pm

Different ecommerce businesses face different challenges. That is why quick-fix advice for success in ecommerce can only scratch the surface. However, successful ecommerce businesses tend to have some common characteristics. I have distilled these characteristics into a list of top tips on how you can run a successful ecommerce business. Which one's of these do you already possess?

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1. Differentiate Your Business

Why should a customer visit you? Do you sell exclusive merchandise? Do you offer the lowest price? Does your customer service set you apart?

Answers to these "soul searching" business questions will lead you to develop your USP. Every business needs to differentiate itself. As an ecommerce business, you cannot hope to sell everything to everybody.

You could try to prove me wrong by pointing out It sells everything, from books to fresh shrimp! Sure, if you are an, go for it. But short of that, make sure that your business stands for something specific in the

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Published on 03/09/2017 3:43 pm

There is a proven sequence of steps you can follow to guarantee your success when you're starting a small business online. I've seen thousands of people start and grow successful businesses by doing the following:

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  1. Find a need and fill it.
  2. Write copy that sells.
  3. Design and build an easy-to-use website.
  4. Use search engines to drive traffic to your site.
  5. Establish an expert reputation for yourself.
  6. Follow up with your customers and subscribers with email.
  7. Increase your income through back-end sales and upselling.

Anyone, from newbie to seasoned online entrepreneur, can benefit from this process in learning how to start a business online.

1: Find a need and fill it.

Most people who are just starting out make the mistake of looking for a product first, and a market second.

To boost your chances of success, start with a market. The trick is to find a group of people who are searching for a solution to a problem, but not finding many results. The internet makes this kind of market research easy:

  • Visit
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Published on 03/09/2017 12:20 pm

Whether you blog for personal or business reasons, creating quality content can really eat up a lot of your time. This is especially true if you want to make a dent in the online world. Creating awesome content that is informative and worth sharing requires significant time and effort to research and write.

There is a defined process to creating a successful blog even after writing and publishing your articles. You must take time to promote your content and be prompt in responding to comments from your readers. After that, the whole process starts over again and it’s time to write your next post. Sometimes we wish we can just wave a magic wand and new content magically appears, but unfortunately that’s not how it works.

Unless you can afford to hire your own writers similar to large publishing companies, you’ll have to do it all yourself. Consistency is key if you want to be successful and earn a living from blogging. Don’t worry though. Here are some time saving tips that can help you

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Published on 03/08/2017 6:46 pm

Google Maps – An Opportunity for Local Marketing

Google empowers organizations to focus on a worldwide gathering of people. However, not all clients need overall outcomes when they write in a pursuit question in Google. This is the reason they include a nearby modifier toward the end. It can be as a ZIP code or essentially the name of a city or state. Google gets on such modifiers and just shows nearby outcomes for such questions. It is very evident that the individual doing the pursuit needs to see neighborhood comes about solely so that is the thing that Google demonstrates him/her.

At the point when a neighborhood hunt is led, Google additionally indicates Google Maps posting for the pertinent zone notwithstanding the 10 query items. The guide will demonstrate the organizations identified with the hunt inquiry that has been gone into Google by the client. Not exclusively does this help him/her get a thought of the quantity of organizations in the specific business additionally discover where they are found. Individuals need

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Published on 03/08/2017 4:25 pm

What is lead generation?

You might think you're doing lead generation for your company, I mean after all, you have a website. Wrong! This is one of the biggest misconceptions among business owners today. While having a website is necessary for lead generation in an internet marketing strategy, it is not the act of lead generation. Lead generation is acquiring interest among your current and potential customers about your product or service, with the goal of increasing sales. How can you generate interest among your customers and potential customers? With lead generation techniques!

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Lead Generation Techniques

Now that we have a better handle on what lead generation is, lets take a look at lead generation techniques. At Half a Bubble Out we use these lead generation techniques as part of our internet marketing strategy to get you more customers for your business.

1. SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is ensuring your website is ranked higher to the top in a list of online searches. It can

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Published on 03/08/2017 1:30 pm

Why SEO is More Crucial Than Ever?

There’s been a lot of conversation lately regarding the importance of SEO and its proper implementation in your business’s online marketing efforts.

Some commentators have even asserted that SEO is less effective than ever, irrelevant or even completely dead.


Many observers of online marketing tactics assert that it’s high-quality content, not SEO, that is the so-called “king” these days.

Of course, the topic at hand is far more complex than any black-or-white conversation or theory can reflect; the truth is, high-quality content and SEO have to exist together in a kind of harmonious marriage for your brand to really stand out in search results.

The Face of SEO is Changing, For the Better: 

Previously, in view of Google's immature calculation, various "dark cap" SEO rehearses took rise. Think watchword stuffing, spamming, and low-quality, external link establishment techniques for enhancing a page's indexed lists positioning, frequently without giving any

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Published on 03/07/2017 7:05 pm

No one gets a kick out of the chance to wake up and find that their site has been assumed control by an online nuisance. Nowadays, it's all the more basic to find that sites are much of the time being assumed control by these remote programmer bugs and SPAM. Google has even made a move ventures to shield searchers from these kind of spammy destinations, which, if your site winds up getting to be distinctly one, can hurt your rankings and SEO. Regardless of whether it's spammers, programmers, or general web violators you're attempting to maintain a strategic distance from, here's 5 essential strides from our web administrations group that will help you take precaution measures to ensuring your site is secure. 

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1. Refresh Content Management System and Plugins

Content Management Systems (CMS, for example, Wordpress, Drupal, or Joomla are incredible and extremely famous, and in light of the fact that they're exceptionally prominent, wind up pulling in a great deal of violators and

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Published on 03/07/2017 11:05 am

Web based business advancement or electronic trade improvement is a term that we as a whole have found out about. It is one explanation behind individuals utilizing the web so much nowadays. Web based shopping has turned out to be extremely regular nowadays after the blast of eCommerce sites in the course of recent years. Indeed, even retailers who have their stores in rich areas of various nations of the world has decided on eCommerce site improvement as they have comprehend that it is something that is digging in for the long haul. Additionally, a great many people nowadays favor shopping on the web over going to stores and investing hours there. Here are a portion of the advantages of owning an eCommerce site: 

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You don't have to put a considerable measure of capital with a specific end goal to begin your online store and this sum is substantially lesser than the venture required for beginning a physical store. Additionally when you begin physical store, its

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Published on 03/06/2017 7:42 pm

Internet has brought a new revolution in doing business online and with a successful ecommerce business, organizations are able to adapt to the new changes and evolve around their customer’s requirements. Ecommerce solutions allow organizations to have a new channel for selling their products and services in a more efficient way coupled with increased customer satisfaction and market share. Ecommerce solutions can be briefly categorized into end-to-end Business-to-Business (B2B) or Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Ecommerce Solutions.

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As a full-service ecommerce development company, Zinavo has the technical competency, knowledge and expertise to bring to your organization a new look and a distinctive mix of ecommerce consulting and high-end technical skills to implement cutting-edge ecommerce websites. Through our combined effort we help our clients to achieve their strategic business objectives with increased ROI.

With cross industry experience and expertise in latest technologies, we

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Zinavo | Website Designing and Development Company in Bangalore